Saturday, July 14, 2007

Expert Board Confines Sneak Gum Astromomey Must Footnotes Passion

I is good today. I feels the best I never felt in a long time.

Guess what? Me is smert again. Me eats rats for lunch; they taste like chicken. You may think im dramaterizationizing this, but really, I feels excreuationaliingllylylylylyly wonderingfully.

Dave will tell you why he feels exkscrueationaly-wanderful, todya. uhuhuhuh uh uh uh uh u hu h uh uh u hu hu h uh u hu h uh uh u hu h uh u h uh u hu h uh..kkfdkdf kf dgjk eitfglje. Dave hands make good joke. Good job leftly.

Open head mind sergury feels good. Garderning shears not very percice. Doctor bill costs nothing. Dave can't pay Dave, now can we.

Big spider coming to say hello. Must say toodles.


Tuesday, July 03, 2007


Today, I was surfing the web from my dark closet, and I found this new article.

Man Punches 'Rude' Drive-Thru Clerk

This article offended me deeply. It is not only the fact that the poor person was arrested, but also that he was forced to receive sub-standard service. As a fellow human and male, I understand completely where Williams is coming from. He probably just got off from a bad day at work, and he wanted a quick bite on the way home. He stops at this fast food restaurant, and ends up getting a warrant posted for him.

Personally, I think that Williams should sue this clerk for obstruction of service. I could be your lawyer Mr. Williams. Who better to represent you than the world's smartest man?

Besides, I have been taking an online course to enhance my natural talent, and I am ready for my first case. If you too would like to try to become a lawyer, you can try to follow the tutorial I have been following then go Becoming A Lawyer, but please remember, results may vary. You are not Dave.

Reminds me of this very interesting video.

Republican Punches Democratic Colleague

Let me conclude my post with a warning to the world; I have high standards for politeness during fast food delivery. If I hear of any more "rude" clerks not giving the due respect for the customer, I will follow in the footsteps of Mr. Williams and thoroughly assault you with a skillet.